
One of the greatest gifts God has given us to meet the needs of His people is through intercessory prayer. I believe surrender and humility start on our knees. With every trial that comes, I believe the Lord is looking for intercessory prayer warriors to come forth and take their place for the sake of others. We have the power through the Holy Spirit to believe for the impossible for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. We also have the ability to intercede for those yet to come to salvation. Interceding for others gives us the chance to come into agreement with God’s ability to save and heal his people. What a gift God has given us!

What Is Intercessory Prayer?

There are many forms of prayer seen throughout the Bible. What makes intercessory prayer so different than any other prayer? The Bible defines intercessory prayer as praying on behalf of someone else, to make a petition on behalf of an individual. So, whatever your family or friends are going through, you have the ability to partner with God to see the impossible done in their lives. God may even have you intercede for a city, a state, or a nation to see His will done and Heaven come. Intercession is simply believing God at his word and declaring it to come forth. We get to become intercessory prayer warriors with the King of all Kings on our side!

what do I need to be an intercessor?

If you are born again, you are God’s son or daughter (John 1:12). As His child, you have a direct “hotline” to God. At any time, you can boldly come into His presence (Heb. 4:16)

This incredible access to God is the basis for intercession. Once you are in God’s presence, you can now discover His battle plan for the situation you are facing. Because prayer alone is not enough — you need a target for your prayers!

To discover God’s plan, all you have to do is ask. The Bible says that “if any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5). When we ask God for wisdom, His desires will become the focus of our prayers. “Let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him” (Romans 12:2).

Doesn’t God Already Know What Everyone Needs?

God is always present in our lives and aware of our needs, but we must invite him into our struggles. Faith precedes this step, and where does it come from? Before believing in Christ for salvation, we see how others engage Jesus in their own lives. They listen to Christians talking to God. Even when believers choose to pray only in private, there is something different about those who develop a habit of heartfelt prayer.

God says, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). Unbelievers mistrust this statement until they witness the results of deep faith in and love for God; a life organized from the top-down, where other people matter.

A faithful intercessor is like a human chain between the Father and his prodigals. “If we are going to have the right kind of fellowship and relationship with God in prayer, we have to understand that we are in His very presence.”

When intercession impacts us personally, its power and poignancy spread outward. Life lived fully in awareness of this closeness makes Jesus famous. The people on our prayer lists are attracted to the personal impact of his power. Paul is the very picture of this change, but he was not the last sinner to be radically reformed by Christ’s intercession.

Is Intercessory Prayer Necessary?

Intercessory prayer is not only a privilege but a command. “Continue steadfastly in prayer” (Colossians 4:2) is an “imperative.” “Persistence in prayer is not an option for the Christian” but “an order from the Lord Himself.”

Jesus “means for us to understand and take seriously the fact that our prayer is a major factor in advancing God’s kingdom in this world.” We aren’t necessary to God’s work but living life in the Spirit can and will inspire others to seek God.

Intercessory Prayer Leader Needed


  • This ministry leader benefits from having one or more of these spiritual gifts: servanthood, teaching, exhortation (encouragement), wisdom, discernment, administration, and helping.
  • This leader should show evidence of an active and growing prayer life and a desire to teach and encourage others to pray.
  • Useful skills for this position are the ability to listen to and communicate with people of all ages; the ability to work with other ministry leaders; the ability to model and teach a variety of ways of praying; the ability to organize teams, delegate responsibility, and follow up to complete tasks.
  • This leader should show genuine interest in responding to the hopes and concerns of people in the community.


  1. This leader will maintain a growing and healthy spiritual life and will lead others to do the same.
  2. This advocate will work with others to coordinate the planning and implementation of a comprehensive prayer ministry for the congregation.
  3. This leader will identify, equip, and support people who are praying for all aspects of congregational life as well as for the overall goals of the congregation.
  4. The prayer advocate will be familiar with curriculum resources for teaching prayer, facilitate their use, and be able to recommend appropriate resources for all age levels and faith stages.
  5. This leader will link with organizations, people, and resources in and beyond the congregation that are concerned with Christian prayer.


  • Identify people in your congregation, in the community, and in other congregations who are interested in developing a fuller prayer life. Collaborate with other congregations. Seek to identify gaps where your congregation can lead the way in making a positive difference in your community. Share the ministry with others by delegating projects to people who have passion for developing particular aspects of prayer.
  • Help the congregation understand that a vital Christian faith includes prayer and practice of spiritual disciplines.
  • Learn about the lives of people in your community and current issues to build a ministry of intercession.

Would you love to be an Intercessory prayer leader? get started by clicking on the link below

Would You Like To Be A Prayer Warriors

God is calling Born Again Sons and Daughters all around the world to join His battle plan for this world — to join in intercessory prayer. He is not looking for perfect prayer warriors, just willing hearts who want to see His will come to pass on the earth. All you have to do is turn to the Lord in prayer: This prayer will help you get started

“Father, I come into Your presence and ask You to give me the heart of the intercessor. Help me to be persistent in prayer until the breakthrough comes. Thank You for this powerful weapon of spiritual warfare — and for Your faithfulness in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

If you would love to be part of our Intercessory prayer team start by clicking the link below God Bless!