Our Beliefs: Kingdom of God, The

Our Beliefs: Kingdom of God, The

The Kingdom of God is the creating and ruling Family of God soon to administer the government of God on earth. Though the Kingdom of God does not now rule the earth, those who have God’s Spirit are under its rule in their lives. When Jesus Christ returns, He will reestablish its rule on earth, and the saints, resurrected as spirit kings and priests, will reign with Him for a thousand years. Following the second death and the Lake of Fire, the Kingdom will be completely fulfilled when God the Father descends from heaven to rule for all eternity from New Jerusalem.

Scripture References:
Daniel 2:44;   Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:1-10;   Micah 4:1-4;   Mark 4:11;   John 3:3-7;   I Corinthians 15:50-54;   Colossians 1:13;   Hebrews 11:13-16;   Matthew 25:31; 20:21;   Revelation 2:26; 5:10; 19:16; 20:4-6, 12-15; 21:1-;  


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