Pastor Tommy Pope Sr.

My Story

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Over 20 years ago, Pastor Tommy was living a life completely away from Jesus. I was lost in living a sinful life in the world doing my own pleasures. I had taken my eyes off of Jesus for 25 years I was deceived into thinking that the world had something better to offer me than Jesus. During those years, I was so deep into sin the chance of escape looked impossible, probably like some of you see life today, like Paul I can say that I was the chief of sinners and if there was ever a person that Jesus would be completely just in not forgiving it was me, because I knew Jesus as a child my parents brought me up in Church they was perfect example of good Christian parents. I loved Jesus but I let the music and pleasure of this world and choosing the wrong friends corrupt my mind and it crowded out my love for Jesus. Then one day all of a sudden, I came to myself I repented and asked God to forgive me of all my sins, and He did!.

Praise the Lord! He brought me back into His family like I had never left His side. He draped me with His robe of grace and covered me. There was a great feast in heaven as all of heaven rejoiced over me! For I was that little sheep who ventured away from the fold and got lost. I fell over the cliff and was caught in the thickets, but the great Shepherd came and rescued me and brought me back to His fold.

As he put His arms around me, He said to me, my beloved son you are Mine. I learned just how precious and special I am to Jesus and to my Heavenly Father and that God through the power of His Holy Spirit was transforming me forever.